Sunday, January 10, 2010

I originally setup this blog as a requirement in a class I was taking! I never really thought I would get into blogging but I am a stay-at-home mom and find myself needing someone to talk to. I am not a teenager and never really care for (let alone understood) chat rooms. So here Iam venting to the world. So I have three wonderful kids: a 6yo, a 3 yo and a 3 month old baby. Life as a mom is wonderful but I am really starting to think about staring my own business. However since I got married and started having kids soon after after school I put my dreams to the side. My husband is in the military, so my life kind of follows his.

Yesterday I decided I want to go back to beauty school and eventually own my own salon. I've always wanted to own my own salon since i grew up in one; my mom is a hairdresser. I can see it now I will start off small with only a few chairs and stylist. It's never too late. I am only 26 yo, I know wow!! 26 and 3 kids, girl why the hurry? Well the first pregnancy was not planned, however I didn't want my daughter grow up alone because I my bullheaded self,let this be a lesson to you kids. So we decided to have another baby, when we found out it was a girl again my husband decided he wasn't going to be happy until we tried for a boy one more time! I guess God heard his prayer and we delivered our son in Oct of last year.

Well this is my first journal entry. More updates will be posted as I figured out what I am definitely going to do! Wish me luck!